
Var Cmax1 Cmax2 / crossover=(drug1 drug2) Proc ttest data=trans dist=lognormal tost(0.8, 1.25) alpha=0.1 order=data

#Winnonlin code

And your PROC TTEST code doesn't reflect the crossover design.įinally, the results from "Phoenix/Winnonlin" can be replicated (up to minor differences in the CI, also not converting ratios into percentages) with the code below: ods output statistics=stats1(where=(sequence=:'Both' & treatment=:'Ratio'))ĮquivTests=eqtst(where=(test ne: 'O' & treatment=:'R' & method=:'P')) However, I think this table is incorrect anyway because you specify the log-normal distribution for the logarithms of Cmax. The table "Equivalence Analysis" can be replicated with dataset TEMP1_1 as created above and your code, but, obviously, only after changing the TOST parameters to those in column "Null" of the output: (0.8, 1.25). Note that the "Difference Between Means" (named "Mean" in my output) was calculated for R − T (referring to lnCmax), whereas the ratio (in percent, for Cmax) was calculated in the opposite direction: T / R. Without the CROSSOVER option the confidence limits would be quite different. Var lowerclmean mean upperclmean point_esti lower upper ĬLMean Mean CLMean point_esti lower upper Var lnCmax1 lnCmax2 / crossover=(drug1 drug2) PROC PRINT output: Subject drug1 drug2 Cmax1 Cmax2 lnCmax1 lnCmax2Ħ R T 22.1 26.9 3.09558 3.29213 ods output statistics=stats0(where=(sequence=:'Both' & treatment=:'D' & method=:'P')) To replicate the results in your first screenshot I created a transposed dataset with a structure similar to Example 122.4 AB/BA Crossover Design in the PROC TTEST documentation (which I selected because obviously your data is from such a crossover trial): proc sort data=have out=tmp Input Subject Treatment $ Period Sequence $ Cmax Īpparently you created an additional variable lnCmax. Infile 'C:\Temp\test-2.csv' dsd firstobs=2 So, you started with a dataset created from test-2.csv: data have
